Items where Division is "Research and Innovation Centre" and Year is 2016

Adams, K. (2016) Divine dreams: religious and spiritual themes in children's dreams. In: Sleep monsters and superheroes: empowering children through creative dreamplay. Praeger, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 211-226. ISBN 9781440842665
Fleming, S. (2016) Youth sport, ‘race’ and ethnicity. In: The Routledge Handbook of Youth Sport. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, pp. 287-296. ISBN 9780415840033
Graham, L. and Fleming, S. (2016) Developing a coaching philosophy: exploring the experiences of novice sport coaching students. Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching, 1 (1). pp. 60-79. ISSN 2329-2202
Gucciardi, D., Hanton, S. and Fleming, S. (2016) Are mental toughness and mental health contradictory concepts in elite sport? A narrative review of theory and evidence. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20 (3). pp. 307-311. ISSN 1440-2440
Hodgkin, K., Fleming, S., Beauchamp, G. and Bryant, A. (2016) “We thought you were undercover, here to inspect us” – Some of the challenges of ethnographic fieldwork in schools. Wales Journal of Education, 18 (2). pp. 105-119. ISSN 2059-3708
Jeffery, T. and Whiteoak, D. (2016) educationUndergraduate: Journal of undergraduate research in education (Volume 8). Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln.
Lord, R., Bolton, N., Fleming, S. and Anderson, M. (2016) Researching a segmented market: Reflections on telephone interviewing. Management Research Review, 39 (7). pp. 786-802. ISSN 2040-8269
Neil, R., Bowles, H., Fleming, S. and Hanton, S. (2016) The experience of competition stress and emotions in cricket. The Sport Psychologist, 30 (1). pp. 76-88. ISSN 0888-4781
Rae, D. (2016) Developing entrepreneurial leadership: the challenge for sustainable organisations. International Journal of Work Innovation. pp. 76-100. ISSN 2043-9032