Items where Year is 2014

Adams, J., Pascal, J. and Dickson-Swift, V. (2014) Spirituality and aging in place: the impact of extreme climatic conditions on domestic gardening practice. The International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 80 (1). pp. 10-26. ISSN 0091-4150
Adams, K. (2014) What is a child? Children’s perceptions, the Cambridge Primary Review and implications for education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 44 (2). pp. 163-177. ISSN 0305-764X
Attenborough, F. (2014) Rape is rape (except when it’s not): the media, recontextualisation and violence against women. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 2 (2). pp. 183-203. ISSN 2213-1272
ap Sion, T. (2014) Religious education, interfaith dialogue and community cohesion in Wales : an empirical investigation of the contribution made by the Standing Advisory Councils on religious education. Contemporary Wales, 27 (1). pp. 148-166. ISSN 0951-4937
ap Sion, T. and Francis, L.J. (2014) Religion and education in Wales. In: Religious education at schools in Europe: Part 2, Western Europe. V&R Unipress; Vienna University Press, Göttingen, Germany, pp. 261-287. ISBN 9783847102687
Baker, S., Warburton, J., Hodgkin, S. and Pascal, J. (2014) Reimagining the relationship between social work and information communication technology in the network society. Australian Social Work, 67 (4). pp. 467-478. ISSN 0312-407X
Callinan, C. (2014) Constructing scientific knowledge in the classroom : a multimodal analysis of conceptual change and the significance of gesture. Doctoral thesis, University of Leicester.
Capancioni, C. (2014) Victorian women writers and the truth of "the other side of Italy". In: Women, Travel Writing, and Truth. Routledge Research in Travel Writing . Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 109-123. ISBN 9781138023529
Cunningham, J. (2014) Lumine de lumine: Light, God and Creation in the thought of Robert Grosseteste. In: Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: tracing relationships between medieval concepts of order and built form. Ashgate, Surrey, pp. 81-98. ISBN 9781472412751
Degotardi, S. and Pearson, E. (2014) The relationship worlds of infants and toddlers: Multiple perspectives from early years theory and practice. Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education . Open University Press, Maidenhead. ISBN 9780335263004
Forbes, A., Edwards, L. and Fleming, S. (2014) ‘Women can’t referee’: Exploring the experiences of female football officials within UK football culture. Soccer and Society, 16 (4). pp. 521-539. ISSN 1466-0970
Francis, L.J., Village, A., Robbins, M., Lankshear, D.W. and ap Sion, T. (2014) Defining and measuring the contribution of Anglican secondary schools to students' religious, personal and social values. Journal of Empirical Theology, 27 (1). pp. 57-84. ISSN 0922-2936
Francis, L.J., ap Sion, T. and Penny, G. (2014) Is belief in god a matter of public concern in contemporary Wales? An empirical enquiry concerning religious diversity among 13- to 15-year-old males. Contemporary Wales, 27 (1). pp. 40-57. ISSN 0951-4937
Francis, L.J., ap Sion, T. and Village, A. (2014) Measuring the contribution of independent Christian secondary schools to students' religious, personal, and social values. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 23 (1). pp. 29-55. ISSN 1065-6219
Hemstock, S.L. (2014) Small is beautiful: An analysis of the NGO Alofa Tuvalu’s 10 year renewable energy project in Tuvalu. In: Pacific Voices. USP, Suva, pp. 141-155. ISBN 978982010914
Hemstock, S.L., Jacot Des Combes, H., Holland, E. A., Elisabeth, A. and Lese, V. (2014) Integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction at local level: How to combine modern science and local knowledge to reduce communities’ vulnerability. In: Pacific Voices: Local Government and Climate Change. USP, Suva, pp. 54-62. ISBN 9789820109148
Hemstock, S.L., Prasad, S. and McNamara, K.E (2014) Learning from the past to assist local climate change adaptation planning: Case study from two communities in the Pacific. In: Pacific Voices: Local Governments and Climate Change. USP, Suva, pp. 155-163. ISBN 9789820109148
Horton, C. (2014) Correlates of dream recall: Implications for confabulation. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 34 (2). pp. 163-177. ISSN 1541-4477
Jackson, A.J.H. (2014) Civic identity, municipal governance and provincial newspapers: the Lincoln of Bernard Gilbert, poet, critic and ‘booster’, 1914. Urban History, 42 (1). pp. 113-129. ISSN 1469-8706
Kennedy, M., Betts, L., Dunn, T.J., Sonuga-Barke, E. and Underwood, J. (2014) Applying Pleck's model of paternal involvement to the study of preschool attachment quality: a proof of concept study. Early Child Development and Care, 185 (4). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0300-4430
Lievesley, R., Elliott, H., Winder, B. and Norman, C. (2014) Understanding service users’ and therapists’ experiences of pharmacological treatment for sexual preoccupation and/or hypersexuality in incarcerated sex offenders. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 25 (3). pp. 262-287. ISSN 1478-9949
Malinowski, J.E., Fylan, F. and Horton, C. (2014) Experiencing ‘continuity’: A qualitative investigation of waking life in dreams. Dreaming, 24 (3). pp. 161-175. ISSN 1053-0797
Malinowski, J.E. and Horton, C. (2014) Evidence for the preferential incorporation of emotional waking-life experiences into dreams. Dreaming, 24 (1). pp. 18-31. ISSN 1053-0797
Malinowski, J.E. and Horton, C. (2014) Memory sources of dreams: The incorporation of autobiographical rather than episodic experiences. Journal of Sleep Research, 23 (4). pp. 441-447. ISSN 1365-2869
Malinowski, J.E. and Horton, C. (2014) The effect of time of night on wake-dream continuity. Dreaming, 24 (4). pp. 253-269. ISSN 1053-0797
Oliver, Emily J., Mawn, Lauren, Stain, Helen J., Bambra, Clare L., Torgerson, Carole, Oliver, Anita and Bridle, C. (2014) Should we 'hug a hoodie'? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions with young people not in employment, education or training (so-called NEETs). Systematic Reviews, 3 (73).
Parrish, A. and Taylor, Florentina (2014) Beyond the big three: French, German and Spanish aren’t the only languages that matter. The Conversation.
Pascal, J., Johnson, N., Dickson-Swift, V. and Kenny, A. (2014) Returning home: psychosocial care during the re-entry phase of cancer survivorship in rural Australia. European Journal Of Cancer Care, 24 (1). pp. 39-49. ISSN 1365-2354
Pearson, E., Mohamad, H. and Zainal, H.Z. (2014) Cultural and linguistic diversity in the early years: implications for inclusion and inclusive practice. In: Inclusive education in the early years: right from the start. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 115-132. ISBN 9780195597011
Postavaru, G-I. (2014) Life disruptions following breast cancer. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 5 (3). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2286-1831
Postavaru, G-I. (2014) A participatory research approach: Designing research with vulnerable women. Other. SAGE Publications.
Puttick, S. (2014) Space-times of teachers’ journeys for knowledge. Teaching Geography, 39 (3). pp. 114-115. ISSN 0305-8018
Sagan, O. (2014) “Hope crept in”: a phenomenological study of mentally ill artists’ biographic narrative. Journal of Mental Health, 24 (2). pp. 73-77. ISSN 0963-8237
Sayers, R. (2014) A critical appraisal of the defining features of Heathcote’s methodology and their impact on the delivery of Mantle of the Expert in classrooms. Drama Research, 5 (1). ISSN 2040-2228
Sharp, J. and Foster, E. (2014) educationUndergraduate: Journal of undergraduate research in education (Volume 6). Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln.
Shonin, E., Van Gordon, W., Dunn, T.J., Singh, N.N. and Griffiths, M.D. (2014) Meditation Awareness Training (MAT) for Work-related Wellbeing and Job Performance: A Randomised Controlled Trial. International Journal of Mental Health Addiction, 12 (6). pp. 806-823. ISSN 1557-1874
Stewart, F. (2014) Alternative Ulster: punk rock as a means of overcoming the religious divide in Northern Ireland. In: Irish Religious Conflict in Comparative Prespective: Catholics, Protestants and Muslims. Histories of the Sacred and Secular . Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 76-91. ISBN 9781137351890
Stewart, F. (2014) Straight edge punk – religious mutation or over-reaching? DISKUS: The Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions, 16 (1). pp. 49-67. ISSN 0967-8948
Stokoe, E. and Attenborough, F. (2014) Ethnomethodological methods for identity and culture. In: Researching Identity and Interculturality. Routledge, London, pp. 89-109. ISBN 9781322157979
Stokoe, E and Attenborough, F. (2014) Gender and categorial systematics. In: The Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 161-180. ISBN 9780470656426
Ulph, C. (2014) Frances Burney's private professionalism. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 38 (3). pp. 377-393. ISSN 1754-0208
Welikala, T. and Atkin, C. (2014) Student co-inquirers: the challenges and benefits of inclusive research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 37 (4). pp. 390-406. ISSN 1743-727X
Winder, B., Lievesley, R., Elliott, H., Norman, C. and Kaul, A. (2014) Understanding the journeys of high-risk male sex offenders voluntarily receiving medication to reduce their sexual preoccupation and/or hypersexuality. In: Sex Offender Treatment: A Case Study Approach to Issues and Interventions. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 342-370. ISBN 978-1-118-67441-3
Winder, B., Lievesley, R., Kaul, A., Elliott, H., Thorne, K. and Hocken, K. (2014) Preliminary evaluation of the use of pharmacological treatment with convicted sexual offenders experiencing high levels of sexual preoccupation, hypersexuality and/or sexual compulsivity. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 25 (2). pp. 176-194. ISSN 1478-9949
Wood, P. and Butt, G. (2014) Exploring the use of complexity theory and action research as frameworks for curriculum change. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46 (5). pp. 676-696. ISSN 0022-0272