Items where Year is 2020

Abdulrahman, H. K., Thondhlana, J., Chiyevo Garwe, E. and McGrath, S. (2020) Exploring the internationalization of Zimbabwe’s higher education institutions through a decolonial lens: postcolonial continuities and disruptions. Journal of Studies in International Education. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1028-3153
Atkin, C. (2020) Ongoing policy reform in Thailand's initial teacher education curriculum: incomplete policy borrow. Asian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies, 3 (2). pp. 19-27. ISSN 2454-1834
Blanchard, A., Dunn, T.J. and Kibowski, K. (2020) Existential threats of immigration and terrorism predict voting for Brexit and Trump. Evolutionary Psychological Science. ISSN 2198-9885
Blanchard, A., Dunn, T.J. and Sumich, A. (2020) Borderline personality traits in attractive women and wealthy unattractive men are relatively favoured by the opposite sex. Personality and Individual Differences. ISSN 0191-8869
Brelsford, V., Dimolareva, M., Gee, N. and Meints, K. (2020) Best Practice Standards in Animal-Assisted Interventions: How the LEAD Risk Assessment Tool Can Help. Animals, 10 (6). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2076-2615
Collyer, E., Norton, G., Lawrence, C., Reeve, S., Siddiquee, R., Meachem, A., Shaw, D.H., Enright, L., Hutton, F., Gillespie, J. and Harrison, K. (2020) Responding to pupil led tangential thinking: a case study of teaching romantic poetry in a post-16 setting. English in Education. ISSN 1754-8845
Compton, A., McNally, G. and Pardoe, M. (2020) Being mathematical. Mathematics Teaching, 272. pp. 15-19. ISSN 0025-5785
Cormack, J., Rowell, K. and Postavaru, G-I. (2020) Self-determination theory as a theoretical framework for a responsive approach to child feeding. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. ISSN 1499-4046
Dimolareva, M. and Dunn, T.J. (2020) Animal-Assisted interventions for school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. ISSN 1573-3432
Dunn, T.J. and D'Amelio, R. (2020) Revisiting the Santa Barbara sense of direction scale, mental rotations, and gender differences in spatial orientation. PSYPAG Quarterly, 2020 (115). pp. 7-11. ISSN 1746-6016
Erle, S. (2020) Blake, children and lockdown. VALA: The Journal of the Blake Society, 1. pp. 6-9.
Erle, S. (2020) “On this day in 1820: The visionary heads and William Blake’s attitude towards death (Part II)”. BARS blog.
Erle, S. (2020) “On this day in 1820: William Blake draws Pindar the greek poet and lais the courtesan (visionary Heads) for John Varley (Part I)”. BARS blog.
Erle, S. and Hendry, H. (2020) Monsters: interdisciplinary explorations in monstrosity. Palgrave Communications, 6 (53). ISSN 2055-1045
Fauxparl, [pseudonym], Mahon, L., Rimmer, J. and Lawrence, C. (2020) ‘I can’t understand a word he says’: a personal exploration of autistic dysfluency in film. Disability and Society. ISSN 0968-7599
Francis, L., Edwards, O. and ap Sion, T. (2020) Applying psychological type and psychological temperament theory to the congregations at cathedral carol services. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. ISSN 1367-4676
Francis, L.J., Lankshear, D.W., Eccles, E.L. and McKenna, U. (2020) Assessing the impact of the Student Voice Project on shaping the ethos of Anglican primary schools: A study focusing on the Diocese of Llandaff. Journal of Beliefs and Values. ISSN 1361-7672
Gregory, D. (2020) A 'Baby GDA': Norwich's Airspace during the Second World War. Landscapes, 19 (2). pp. 150-168. ISSN 1466-2035
Gregory, D. (2020) Vernacular memorialization in the military:personal acts of remembrance at RAF Thorpe Abbotts. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 14 (2-3). pp. 83-98. ISSN 1574-0773
Gregory, D. and Wayne, C. (2020) I do feel good because my stomach is full of good hotcakes?: Comfort food, home, and the USAAF in East Anglia during the Second World War. History, 105 (368). pp. 806-824. ISSN 0018-2648
Hamilton, J (2020) Monsters and posttraumatic stress: an experiential-processing model of monster imagery in psychological therapy, film and television. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 7 (142). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2662-9992
Heym, N., Kibowski, F., Bloxsom, C., Blanchard, A., Harper, A., Wallace, L., Firth, J. and Sumich, A. (2020) The Dark Empath: Characterising dark traits in the presence of empathy. Personality and Individual Differences. ISSN 0191-8869
Horton, C. (2020) Key concepts in dream research: Cognition and consciousness are inherently linked, but do no not control “control”! Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14 (259). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1662-5161
Hubbard-Hall, C. and O'Sullivan, A (2020) Landscapes of intelligence in the third reich: visualising Abwehr operations during the second world war. Journal of Intelligence History. ISSN 1616-1262
Jackson, A.J.H. (2020) Conceptualising place in historical fact and creative fiction: rural communities and regional landscapes in Bernard Samuel Gilbert’s ‘Old England’, c. 1910-1920. Rural History, 31 (2). pp. 195-209. ISSN 0956-7933
Jackson, A.J.H., Capancioni, C., Johnson, E. and Hope-Johnson, S. (2020) Provincial newspapers, sports reporting and the origins, rise and fall of women’s football: Lincolnshire, 1880s-1940s. Midland History, 45 (2). pp. 244-257. ISSN 1756-381X
Lawrence, C. (2020) Is Lennie a monster? A reconsideration of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men in a 21st century inclusive classroom context. Palgrave Communications, 6 (17). ISSN 2055-1045
Lawrence, C. (2020) Learning to teach English: three RQT perspectives on English subject Secondary PGCE. Teaching English.
Lawrence, C. (2020) Typing Aloud. BERA.
Lawrence, C. (2020) ‘Your own calm space’: reclaiming poetry for KS4 in a time of Covid. NATE News. p. 15.
Lawrence, C., Collyer, E. and Poulson, M. (2020) ‘Howling at the scrabble-board’: Exploring classroom literature from an autistic viewpoint. English in Education. ISSN 1754-8845
Lawrence, C. and Rimmer, J. (2020) Pilot study: Can the draft film Broken support trainee teachers’ understanding of autism communication issues in mainstream classrooms? Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 12 (1). pp. 65-74. ISSN 2054-5266
Lawrence, C., Rimmer, J. and Quickfall, A. (2020) Using an arts-based design to explore the experience of shared reading: a pilot study. The Journal of Arts and Communities, 12 (1-2). pp. 85-103. ISSN 1757-1936
Lievesley, R., Harper, C. and Elliott, H. (2020) The internalization of social stigma among minor-attracted persons: implications for treatment. Archives of Sexual Behaviour. ISSN 0004-0002
Malinowski, J.E. and Horton, C. (2020) Dreams reflect nocturnal sleep-dependent processes: They are continuous in early-night sleep, and emotional and hyperassociative in late-night sleep. Consciousness and Cognition. ISSN 1053-8100
Malpass, A. (2020) Disastrous’ and ‘Detrimental’: The National Union of Agricultural Workers' Complaints against the Employment of Axis Prisoners of War, 1939–1948. History, 104 (363). pp. 890-910. ISSN 0018-2648
Maria Sofologi, M., Markou, E., Kougioumtzis, G. and Efstratopoulou, M. (2020) Polymorphous heterogeneity and episodes of violence in school community: educational implications for building a democratic school. Dual Diagnosis, 5 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2472-5048
Mason, S. and Atkin, C. (2020) Capturing the struggle: adult learners and academic writing. Journal of Further and Higher Education. ISSN 0309-877X
Maynes, M.L. (2020) Monsters at bedtime: managing fear in bedtime picture books for children. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 7 (63). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2662-9992
Nicholson, P. and Hendry, H. (2020) A pedagogical meeting place or a problem space? Extending play-based pedagogy in year one. Education 3-13. ISSN 0300-4279
Parrish, A. (2020) Book Review: Contemporary Language Motivation Theory: 60 Years Since Gardner and Lambert (1959). Journal of Language and Social Psychology. ISSN 1552-6526
Parrish, A. (2020) Modern foreign languages: decision-making, motivation and 14-19 schools. Cambridge Journal of Education. ISSN 0305-764X
Parrish, A. (2020) Using art to represent science: A visualisation of student motivation data. BERA Blog.
Postavaru, G-I., Swaby, H. and Swaby, R. (2020) A meta-ethnographic study of fathers' experiences of caring for a child with a life-limiting illness. Palliative Medicine. ISSN 1477-030X
Puttick, S. and Wynn, J. (2020) Constructing ‘good teaching’ through written lesson observation feedback. Oxford Review of Education. ISSN 1465-3915
Puttick, S, Nye, Z., Wynn, J. and Muir, L. (2020) Student teachers’ beliefs about diversity: analysing the impact of a ‘diversity week’ during initial teacher education. Teacher Development, 25 (1). pp. 85-100. ISSN 1747-5120
Rhoden, W. Jack (2020) The genealogy of a book collection: an early history of the Cavendish family’s book collection, 1599-1811. Midland History. ISSN 1756-381X
Sofologi, M., Efstratopoulou, M., Kamari, A., Bonti, E and Katsiana, A (2020) Different strategies for assessing reading comprehension in adults. From Alpha to Omega. European Journal of Education Studies, 7 (4). pp. 38-53. ISSN 2501-1111
Sofologi, M., Markou, E., Kougioumtzis, G., Kamari, A., Efstratopoulou, M., Tsiviki, E. and Tachmatzidis, D. (2020) Linguistic deficiencies in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Dual Diagnosis, 5 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2472-5048
Stern, L. J. (2020) Do you follow? Understanding followership before leadership. Management in Education, 35 (1). pp. 58-61. ISSN 0892-0206
Stern, L. J. and Buchanan, M. (2020) RE leader connectedness: a theology of the lived reality of Catholic education. Journal of Beliefs & Values. ISSN 1361-7672
Swaby, H. (2020) Learning to “live upside down”: Experiencing the true and false self in psychotherapy training. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 18 (2). ISSN 1476-9263
Thompson, S., Quickfall, A., Clarke, E. and Glazzard, J. (2020) Averting the crisis in trainee teacher well-being – learning lessons across European contexts: A comparative study. Journal of comparative & international higher education, 12. pp. 38-57. ISSN 2151-0407
ap Sion, T. (2020) The power of place: listening to visitors’ prayers left in a shrine in rural Wales. Rural Theology. ISSN 2042-1273
Book Section
Abdulrahman, H. K. (2020) Am I different? Social identity, difference, exclusion and the (un)happiness of the black and minority ethnic child. In: Bring my smile back: working with unhappy children in education. Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions . Nova Publishers, New York. ISBN 9781536172775
Abdulrahman, H. K., Garwe, E., Thondlana, J. and Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. (2020) Conclusion: The state of internationalization of higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Internationalization of Higher Education in the Global South. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 585-595. ISBN 9781350139244
Capancioni, C. (2020) A visit to the Brontë parsonage: metamorphoses of Charlotte Brontë in Michèle Roberts’ the mistressclass. In: Metamorfosi Vittoriane: Riscritture, riedizioni, taduzioni, transcodificazioni. Solfanelli, Chieti, Italy, pp. 95-109. ISBN 9788833052588
Compton, A., Dickenson, A. and Lambert, S. (2020) Learning and teaching approaches. In: Building skills for effective primary teaching. Sage, London, pp. 65-78. ISBN 97852649215-9
Cunningham, J. (2020) 'That we might be made God: Psuedo-Dionysius and Robert Grosseteste's episcopal career.'. In: In Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe, 900-1480. Brepols, Turnhout. ISBN 9782503585000
Efstratopoulou, M. (2020) Working with unhappy children who are young carers. In: Bring My Smile Back: Working with Unhappy Children in Education. Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions . Nova Sciences, New York, pp. 85-96. ISBN 9781536172775
Efstratopoulou, M. (2020) Working with unhappy children who have adverse childhood experiences. In: Bring My Smile Back: Working with Unhappy Children in Education. Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions . Nova Sciences, New York. ISBN 9781536172775
Eluyefa, Dennis (2020) The 'Alarinjo' theatre in Yoruba Nigeria: Fact or fiction? In: New Direction in African Theatre and Performance. Adonis and Abbey, London. (In Press)
Gagaeolo, F., Hemstock, S.L. and Price, C. (2020) Christianity, Kiribati, and climate change induced migration. In: Science, Faith and the Climate Crisis. Emerald Points . Emerald Publishing Ltd., England, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781839829871
Hausia Havea, P, N’ Yeurt, A., Tagivetaua Tamani, A, Siga, A, Jacot Des Combes, H., Hemstock, S.L. and Luetz, J. (2020) Resilience in education: An example from primary school in Fiji and technical vocational education and training. In: Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Climate Change Management Series . Springer, UK, pp. 197-212. ISBN 9783030405519
Hemstock, S.L., Jione, S., Charlsworth, M. and Dumaru, P. (2020) Climate change and the role of education. In: Science, Faith and the Climate Crisis. Emerald Points . Emerald, Bingley, pp. 65-78. ISBN 9781839829871
McDougal, A. and Efstratopoulou, M. (2020) Parents’ perceptions of the impact of early stage exam tests on anxiety levels in young children with and without Autism. In: Interdisciplinary reflections and socio-cultural issues in education: Anthropological, legal and educational views for vulnerable groups. Oxford Press, Oxford, pp. 82-98. ISBN 9798649117500
Stern, L. J. (2020) 'Uncertainty and Mortality: Two Stubborn Particulars of Religious Education' in Franck, O and Thalén, P (eds) (2021) Religious Education in a Post-Secular Age: Case Studies from Europe; Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, chapter 7, pp 123-138. In: Religious Education in a Post-Secular Age: Case Studies from Europe. Palgrave, London, pp. 123-138. ISBN 9783030475031
Stewart, F. (2020) Blurring the boundaries - punk rock and religion. In: Critical Religion Reader. Studio Dreamshare Press, Ontario, pp. 31-33. ISBN 9781775394365
Stewart, F. (2020) The unknown creed: punk and political uncertainty in Northern Ireland. In: Minority Religions and Uncertainty. Routledge inform series about minority religions and spiritual movements . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781472484512
Plater, M. (2020) LAR-D (Learning About Religions through Dialogue) Final Report. [Report]
Efstratopoulou, M. and Sofologi, M., eds. (2020) Bring my smile back: Working with unhappy children in education. Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions . Nova Sciences, New York. ISBN 9781536172775
Leal Filho, W. and Hemstock, S.L., eds. (2020) Climate Change and the Role of Education. Climate Change Management . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030328979
Hocken, K., Lievesley, R., Winder, B., Swaby, H., Blagden, N. and Banyard, P., eds. (2020) Sexual crime and intellectual functioning. Sexual Crime . Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9783030523275
Swaby, H., Winder, B., Lievesley, R., Hocken, K., Blagden, N. and Banyard, P., eds. (2020) Sexual crime and trauma. Sexual Crime . Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9783030490683
Crawford, P., Greenwood, A., Bates, R. and Memel, J. (2020) Florence Nightingale at home. Palgrave, London. ISBN 9783030465346
Malpass, A. (2020) British Character and the Treatment of German Prisoners of War, 1939–48. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9783030489151
Myers, Sally, Hemstock, S.L. and Hanna, Edward (2020) Science, faith and the climate crisis. Emerald Points . Emerald, Bingley. ISBN 9781839829871
Fell-Chambers, R. (2020) Care farming, learning and young people: An exploration into the possible contribution of care farming to young people’s engagement with learning. Doctoral thesis, University of Hull.
Mackinder, M. (2020) Degrees of difference. A case study of forest school in England and Denmark. Doctoral thesis, University of Leicester.
Nicholson, N. (2020) Supporting children with identified speech, language and communication needs at two-years-old: voices of early years practitioners. Post-Doctoral thesis, University of Lincoln.
Quickfall, A. (2020) The life histories of teacher mothers: exploring a special situation. Doctoral thesis, Sheffield Hallam University.
Rimmer, J. (2020) Trunk call. [Show/Exhibition]
Rimmer, J. (2020) Broken (final draft). [Video]