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Number of items: 70.


Akhtar, N., Francis, L.J., McKenna, U. and Hasan, S.S. (2022) Introducing the Shorter Dark Tetrad for Muslim Societies (SD4-MS): A study among young adults in Pakistan. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. ISSN 1367-4676

Akhtar, N., Francis, L.J., Sailer, A.B., Hasan, S.S. and McKenna, U. (2022) Introducing the Psychological Wellbeing Scale for Muslim Societies (PWS-MS):A study among young adults in Pakistan. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. ISSN 1367-4676


Berg-Beckhoff, G., Bask, M., Smith Jervelund, S., Dalgaard Guldager, J., Quickfall, A., Rabiee-Khan, F., Oddsson, G., van der Wel, K., Sarasjarvi, S., Olafsdottir, S., Buffel, V., Skalicka, V. and Van de Velde, S. (2022) Political stringency, infection rates, and higher education students' adherence to government measures in the Nordic countries and the UK during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. Preventative Medicine. ISSN 0091-7435

Blanco, S. R., Mitra, S, Howard, C.J. and Sumich, A.L. (2022) Psychological trauma, mood and social isolation do not explain elevated dissociation in functional neurological disorder (FND). Personality and Individual Differences, 202 (11195). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0191-8869


Capancioni, C. (2022) At home in Southern Egypt: Lucie Duff Gordon’s life on the nile. de genere Rivista di studi letterari, postcoloniali e di genere / Journal of Literary, Postcolonial and Gender Studies (7). pp. 23-35. ISSN 2465-2415

Clarke, E., Thompson, S. and Quickfall, A. (2022) Well-being: theory and practice for beginning geography teachers. In: Mentoring Geography Teachers in the Secondary School A Practical Guide. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367743222

Collyer, E., Peart, S., Abdulrahman, H. K., Lawrence, C. and Mahon, C. (2022) Exploring the representation of Black autistic people in children’s picture books. BERA blog.

Connolly, L. (2022) Proofread Your Essay. Super Quick Skills . Sage. ISBN 9781529792621

Cormack, J. L. (2022) “Wading Through Sludge”: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Parental Experiences of Child Feeding in the Context of Avoidant Eating. Post-Doctoral thesis, Bishop Grosseteste University.

Crane, E., Taylor, J., Grummit, M., Cragg, N., Dunn, T.J., Winfield, E. and Smith, L. (2022) Solertia: (vol: 1 issue: 2). Bishop Grosseteste university, Lincoln.

Cunningham, J. (2022) Essay on the life and manners of the venerable Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, by Philip Perry. Catholic Record Society, London. ISBN 9780902832343


Dhillon, S. (2022) You must be having a laugh? Humour to transgress. Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 11 (1). pp. 42-58. ISSN 2049-2162

Dunn, T.J. and Dimolareva, M. (2022) The effect of mindfulness-based interventions on immunity-related biomarkers: a comprehensive meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Clinical Psychology Review. ISSN 0272-7358


Erken, H. G., Francis, L.J. and McKenna, U. (2022) Love for Allah and love for self: exploring the connection between religious affect and self-esteem among Muslim adolescents in England. Journal of Beliefs and Values. ISSN 1361-7672

Erle, S. (2022) “Blake was a phenomenon”: Artistic, Domestic, and Blakean Visions in Joseph Paul Hodin’s Writing on Else and Ludwig Meidner. Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly, 55 (3). ISSN 0160-628X

Erle, S. (2022) Introduction: To See the Worlds in a Grain of Sand – Blake and Reception. Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly. ISSN 0160-628X


Fell-Chambers, R. (2022) Care farming, learning and young people: An exploration into the possible contribution of care farming to young people’s engagement with learning. British Education Studies Association, 13 (2). pp. 140-161. ISSN 1758-2199

Francis, L.J., Erken, H. G. and Village, A. (2022) Assessing the affective dimension of religion within Muslim societies: The Sahin-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Islam, Short Form. Journal of Religious Education. ISSN 1442-6200

Francis, L.J., Fawcett, B. G. and McKenna, U. (2022) Psychological type and religious affect: A study among adolescent Baptists in Canada. Journal of Youth and Theology. ISSN 1741-0819

Francis, L.J., Haley, J. M. and McKenna, U. (2022) Work-Related Psychological Wellbeing and Conservative Christian Belief Among Methodist Circuit Ministers in Britain: Distinguishing Between Emotional Exhaustion and Satisfaction in Ministry. Journal of Religion and Health. ISSN 0022-4197

Francis, L.J. and Mansfield, S. (2022) Who visits cathedrals? The science of cathedral studies and psychographic segmentation. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies. ISSN 0259-9422

Francis, L.J., Mansfield, S., McKenna, U. and Jones, S.H. (2022) Enhancing inclusivity and diversity among cathedral visitors: the Brecon Jazz Festival and psychographic segmentation. Journal of Beliefs and Values. ISSN 1361-7672

Francis, L.J. and McKenna, U. (2022) Self-identifying as Anglican within the two political jurisdictions on the island of Ireland: A study among sixth-form students in the Greer tradition. Greek Journal of Religious Education, 5 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 2623-4386

Francis, L.J. and Ross, C. F. J. (2022) Reading the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) through the lenses of introverted intuition and extraverted intuition: Perceiving text differently. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 78 (4). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0259-9422

Francis, L.J., Smith, G. and Astley, J. (2022) Hiring labourers for the vineyard and making sense of God’s grace at work: An empirical investigation in hermeneutical theory and ordinary theology. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 78 (4). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0259-9422

Francis, L.J. and Village, A. (2022) The Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTS): Factor structure, internal consistency reliability, and concurrent validity with the MBTI. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. ISSN 1367-4676


Gachago, V. and Peart, S. (2022) One step forward, one step back’ inclusive education in Kenya. In: International Issues in SEND and Inclusion: Perspectives Across Six Continents. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 61-74. ISBN 9781032011004

Garrod, T. (2022) Women’s lived experiences of maternity care in pregnancy after loss: A Heideggerian perspective. Post-Doctoral thesis, Bishop Grosseteste University.

Geeson, R. and Clarke, E. (2022) Crossing the line: Constructs of TA Identity. Pastoral Care in Education. ISSN 0264-3944

Gilluly, S. T. (2022) Understanding the Soil in which the Seed is Sown: how Catholic Confirmation Candidates and Catechists Perceive and Experience Spirituality. Post-Doctoral thesis, Bishop Grosseteste University.

Grigg, E. (2022) The mysterious blocked gateway of 1217. Lincolnshire Past and Present, 128.


Haley, J. M. and Francis, L.J. (2022) The changing face of British Methodism between 1997 and 2008: A study in empirical theology. Holiness: an international journal of Wesleyan theology, 7 (2). pp. 91-99. ISSN 2058-5969

Harding, R., Betts, L., Wright, D., Peart, S. and Sjolin, C. (2022) Adolescent girls’ experiences of street harassment: emotions, comments, impact, actions and the law. In: Misogyny As Hate Crime. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 121-139. ISBN 9781003023722

Hendry, H., Hounslow-Eyre, A., Pritchard, K. and Sellars, C. (2022) More capable others? Education Studies undergraduates as near-peer mentors for year 12 students. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 14 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 2054-5266


Lawrence, C. (2022) Dancing with the daffodils: using a Shared Reading approach to explore autistic identity. Good Autism Practice, 23 (1). pp. 5-13. ISSN 1466-2973

Lawrence, C. (2022) Our autism resources community hub: a celebration. Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education. ISSN 2398-5976

Lawrence, C. (2022) Using the short film 'Broken' to support teacher understanding of autism: a follow-up report. In: Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) 2022. (Unpublished)

Lawrence, C. (2022) Who are the experts? Why autistic voices should be central to autism training in schools. BERA blog.

Lawrence, C. and Bushell-Thornalley, H. (2022) ‘We watch together’: Can consideration of sports’ histories support wider education? BERA blog.

Lawrence, C. and Collyer, E. (2022) Taking time to appreciate the scenery: an exploration of PhD supervision as pedagogy. Hillary Place Papers (7). pp. 21-31.

Lawrence, C. and Rimmer, J. (2022) Why I’m (really) not against ‘Dual Coding’. Teaching English. p. 25. ISSN 2051-7971 (In Press)

Lewis, C.A., Burgess, J.H. and Francis, L.J. (2022) Psychological profile of Ministers of Word and Sacrament within the United Reformed Church (URC). Mental Health, Religion and Culture. ISSN 1367-4676

Lievesley, R., Swaby, H., Harper, C. and Woodward, E. (2022) Primary health professionals’ beliefs, experiences, and willingness to treat minor attracted persons. Archives of Sexual Behavior. ISSN 0004-0002

Lindley-Baker, J.A. and Mills, L. (2022) Playing to learn: Learning to TALK. British Journal of Special Education. ISSN 0952-3383


McKenna, U. (2022) Adapting to and assessing online worship: Listening to rural Church of England lay people. Rural Theology. ISSN 1470-4994

McKenna, U., Francis, L.J. and Stewart, F. (2022) Anglican cathedrals and implicit religion: Softening the boundaries of sacred space through innovative events and installations. HTS Theological Studies, 78 (4). ISSN 2072-8050

McKenna, U., Neal, T. and Francis, L.J. (2022) Assessing the Personal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Retired Clergy: Listening to their Experiences. Rural Theology. ISSN 2042-1273

Memel, J. (2022) Writers-in-Residence: Women Teachers and the Formation of Character in Hardy’s Jude the Obscure. Journal of Victorian Culture. ISSN 1355-5502

Muir, L. (2022) Lyndsey Muir. In: ResearcHER the power and potential of research careers for women. Emerald, Bingley UK, pp. 81-84. ISBN 9781803827346


Nicholson, P. M. (2022) Pedagogy, culture and transition: a qualitative, collective case study exploring pedagogies of the transition from Reception to Year One in England. Post-Doctoral thesis, Bishop Grosseteste University.


O'Dea, X. and Stern, J. (2022) In-group and out-group Loneliness: The experiences of Chinese top-up students in a UK university. Qualitative Research in Education, 11 (3). pp. 203-229. ISSN 2014-6418


Parrish, A. and Vernon, J. (2022) Measuring motivation in english schools: the appeal of self-determination theory. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 4 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2642-7001

Peak, E. S. (2022) The role of self-assessment in the facilitation of entrepreneurial competencies in learners who are studying on entrepreneurial learning courses in England. Post-Doctoral thesis, Bishop Grosseteste University.

Peart, S., Lawrence, C., Abdulrahman, H. K., Collyer, E. and Mahon, C. (2022) Exploring the presentation of Black autistic characters in children's picture books. In: Race Equality Colloquium: Decolonising Pedagogy, 4th May 2022, On-line. (Unpublished)

Plater, M. (2022) Learning about religions through dialogue (LAR-D) project. RE Today. ISSN 0226-7738

Plater, M. (2022) Report on a survey of early career secondary RE teachers: The First Year of Teaching: a follow-up survey to the Covid-cohort RE ITE survey 2021. [Report]


Quickfall, A. (2022) Recruiting participants via social media: Like, Share, Block, Report. SAGE Research Methods Cases. (In Press)

Quickfall, A. (2022) Reflecting on ethical processes and dilemmas in doctoral research. Education Sciences, 12 (751). ISSN 2227-7102

Quickfall, A. (2022) Tales from the soft-play fifth shift mother, teacher, mentor, academic and student. In: Reflections on Valuing Wellbeing in Higher Education. Taylor Francis, Abingdon, pp. 65-78. ISBN 9781003213161

Quickfall, A., Clarke, E. and Thompson, S. (2022) A Conceptual Model for Teacher Trainee Well-being: Challenges and Resources in an Ecological System. In: BERA Conference 2022, September 2022, Liverpool.

Quickfall, A. and Wood, P. (2022) 2021/22 Experiences of Academics in Teacher Education: ‘I should not be afraid in my job, but I am’. BERA blog.

Quickfall, A., Wood, P. and Clarke, E. (2022) The experiences of newly qualified teachers in 2020 and what we can learn for future cohorts. The London Review of Education. ISSN 1474-8479


Silverwood, J. (2022) What we do in the shadows: dual industrial policy during the Thatcher governments, 1979-1990. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. ISSN 1369-1481

Silverwood, J. (2022) The distinctiveness of state capitalism in Britain: market-making, industrial policy and economic space. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55 (1). pp. 122-142. ISSN 0308-518X

Stern, L J (2022) Middle Leadership in Education: Care, Carefulness and Being ‘Caute’ in the Middle. Grove Books. ISBN 9781788272728

Stern, L J (2022) ‘You’re Alive!’: On the ‘Livingness’ of spirited educational research. International Journal of Transformative Research, 9 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2353-5415

Stern, L J and Kohn, E (2022) Insights on student-centred and knowledge-centred teaching: Jewish studies teachers, pedagogy and community. Oxford Review of Education. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0305-4985


Thompson, S. M. (2022) Under what conditions does the bar model support mathematical problem solving of two-step, real-life, word problems for autistic students? Post-Doctoral thesis, Bishop Grosseteste University.


Webster, A.M. (2022) Children reading alone and reading together: literary representations and lessons from a pandemic. Journal of Silence Studies in Education, 2 (1). pp. 16-27. ISSN 2808-1005

Wood, P. and Quickfall, A. (2022) Working with the complexity of professional practice and development. In: Mentoring Geography Teachers in the Secondary School A Practical Guide. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003157120

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